Tara Wallace

Thursday February 29, 2024

From onset to execution, Tara’s mission is to ensure that Hartmann Studios delivers best-in-class work. She facilitates, if not demands, cross-functionality with every single department to bring our clients’ visions to life, on time and within budget. Tara sweats the details, merging business objectives with creativity to build processes that turn abstract concepts into beautiful, realistic experiences, and has been doing so for more than a decade.

She’s smart. She’s meticulous. She’s just getting started.

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Secrets to a Captivating General Session From an Immersive
Events Expert

What you need to know Inspiring corporate event audiences to perk up and engage at an 8 a.m. general session isn’t easy. Delivering interesting and memorable presentations is an art. We asked Senior Creative Director at Hartmann Studios, Ryan Girard for his secret to helping speakers feel confident in front of a crowd. Ryan is...

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Messaging, Campaigns + Brand Alignment

5 Tips to Weave a Compelling Narrative Into Your Creative
Event Strategy

What you need to know The auditorium lights dim, and the stage brightens. A singular figure steps forward and begins to tell a story. The audience is rapt. They laugh at some anecdotes and their eyes well at others. The speaker captivates everyone by conveying a universal message in a way that touches everyone at...

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Civic, Community + Press Events

How Long Should A Memorable Keynote Presentation Be?

Hartmann Studios Executive Creative Director Jeff Vara gets this question a lot. And given his decades of experience crafting keynotes, we’re keen to hear his answer. “Any form of communication should only be as long as it needs to be to get your message across. And no longer,” Vara explains. “Once [your audience] gets your...

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